Monday, September 28, 2009

Hey 0bama: Get your priorities straight! Step away from OUR world, then slither yourself all-the-way-back to H3LL!

0bama PROMISED last fall during his never ending (and still continuing) campaign that “the war in Afghanistan will be a top priority” for him…

Yeah, right!

This freakin’ loser is so FULL-OF-CRAP that legless, soft-bodied, wormlike larva- maggots, if you will- feed off his fecal brain matter just to complete their life cycle.

I guess strong-arming the nearly-as-corrupt IOC is naturally a lot more fun than keeping American Soldiers, Sailors and Marines safe!

To H3LL with the 2016 Games! Doesn’t he know we Americans are trying to survive and thrive through 2010, 2011 and 2012?


Just two days ago at the G-20 'post-game' news conference, 0bama said “I’m not interested in victory” regarding athletic events. Of course when he said that, he was referring to America’s upcoming ‘football’ game against the Tehran Titan Missiles and their crazy quarterback Kook Nuke’em…though I personally think that’s a game that should be circled as a ‘must-win’ for US (and the rest of us).

But 0bama DID say “I’m not interested in victory”…so we KNOW he’s not referring to The Olympic Games ’cause everyone knows they’re a political event, not an athletic one. Which is why The0bamaCampaign continues! And 0bama’s upcoming schedule certainly IS light…let’s take a look:
1. Decide on an already-delayed troop request from YOUR OWN guy in Afghanistan? Nooo…
2. Fix the 0bamaDeathCare Bill? Nooo…
3. Help Middle East whirled piece? Nooo…
4. Lower the Zzzillion Dollar Debt? Nooo…
5. Pass the Cap-and-Tax-Hoax-of-a-Bill? Not yet…
6. Pass the Immigration-Amnesty-4-All Bill? Not yet…
7. Investigate that “A.C.ommunuity.O.rganizer.R.N.E.A.” thang? Certainly not…
8. Make a gameplan designed for ‘victory’ in America’s critical-mass-of-an-upcoming-playoff-game against TheNuclearIran? Hell nooo…
9. Do more sightseeing? Well, Copenhagen IS beautiful in the fall…let’s go!

So in just three days, 0bama’s next whistle-stop will be the ‘frozen tundra’ of Copenhagen! Ahhh…campaigning in the fall…brings back memories…...OF FU**ING BROKEN PROMISES AND PROMISES FU**ING BROKEN!!!

Hey 0bama: Get your priorities straight! Step away from OUR world, then slither yourself all-the-way-back to H3LL!