Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Out-slicked and in deep water...

Let's talk about Obama and the Gulf Coast oil spill. Eleven workers died when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded causing the oil spill. That seems to be forgotten. But everyone knows Obama did NOTHING on the spill for eight days -- then lied about it -- and what's new? Obama's been lying from Day One (not of the oil spill, but of his Presidency). And every day the spill spews and is front page news is another day his Green Agenda staffers smile. Heck, Obama watched that live video feed in the Situation Room of the oil spewing for DAYS, but kept it from the public. The media won't talk about that.

But the media will talk about Obama saying 'Me no nothing' in response to felony allegations he tampered with an election. Or that Obama hopes LeBron will soon join the Bulls. Or that Barack and Michelle have front row duckets to Sir Paul McCartney's gig. Or that the President's Memorial Day plans will have him in Chicago, partying. What the heck is that? It's too bad the the media won't put it's collective foot on Obama's neck and expose him for the narcissistic lying fraud he is.

With two wars on, the President should be at Arlington this Memorial Day honoring those who sacrificed everything. And if he can't stand looking at all those patriots, he should head on down to the Gulf Coast and rally those poor souls who lost their livelihoods and had their lives changed forever. He could even give Napolitano a lesson in geography. On second thought, that ain't happening. Obama failed geography when he gave up on borders.