I was thinking about the couple that slipped past Secret Service and crashed The White House State Dinner-and-a-movie...then I remembered the line from Murder at 1600: If the president can't keep his 'own' house safe, then how can he keep the country safe?
I know that's just a line from a movie, but what this couple did, they did for the reality of it...and for keeps (on Facebook). So this was far more comical than some jumble of Three Stooges not Vetting Crashers on Absolut Bauer for Dinner at 1600- especially when the Desperate Balloon wife said "Bravo!" It was then I winced.
I was upset that 0bama celebrated 'the holiday' Halloween. And doing it in The Orange House brought him one step closer to Hell. But here were two more trick-or-treaters maybe three weeks too late. And now it was The Fun House, with all the cobwebs of decorum long since gone.
But the final nail-in-the-coffin came from the very sick Veep under 0bama's spell. Despite mounting erroneous recovery.gov data, 0bama stood by his false claim, "Nobody messes with Joe!" And they don't. They just get their picture taken with him...