Sunday, July 10, 2011

Yes, Obama IS grounding JFK's space legacy!

Here's a MUST READ from three great American astronauts,
Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Gene Cernan:
Is Obama grounding JFK's space legacy?

Here are some other questions to ponder...

Why would Obama want NASA to have a program that "reaches out" to Muslim nations, when just ten years ago, Muslim extremist terrorists -- who didn't care about learning to land -- were taking "flying" lessons?!?

Why would Obama allow the Russians to have the leverage they'll soon have over us, because after Atlantis, they'll have the only remaining manned spacecraft (the Russian Soyuz) capable of reaching the International Space Station? What is the price a nation would pay to reach its own astronauts orbiting in space?!?

What about the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)? Because its orbit is higher than the ISS, the only manned spacecraft currently capable of reaching the HST is Atlantis, our last space shuttle. What the hell is that?!? Why would Obama knowingly allow this situation to exist?!?